Demystifying the Digital World

Our aim is to empower and inform to help you find answers and reach your goals along the way.


Optimizing SEO Strategies to Increase Leads for the Construction Industry

Optimizing SEO Strategies to Increase Leads for the Construction Industry

A comprehensive SEO strategy requires an overall vision implemented across a variety of tactics. Google’s algorithm has changed significantly over the past decade – it’s more intuitive, dynamic, and comprehensive. It’s time to adapt.

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digital marketing strategies for construction companies

Digital Marketing Strategies for Construction Companies: A Comprehensive Guide

With a construction workforce shortage topping half a million in 2023, it’s essential for construction companies to use digital marketing strategies that support a strong online presence in order to attract not only new clients, but new employees, too.

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benefits of social media marketing

Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Small Business

Social media marketing is more than regularly posting to social platforms. When done with a strategy that supports business goals, the benefits include everything from fostering relationships to increasing your bottom line. Truly.

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backlinks building

Backlinks Building and What to Beware of

Backlinks building is a big piece of some digital marketing agency’s services. But it shouldn’t be and this article explains why.

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digital business hacks

Digital Business Hacks – Our Top 5 Picks

These are our top 5 go-to digital business hacks that are small-effort with big-impact. Bonus: They’re Free.

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hiring a web designer

Hiring a Web Designer? Ask These 6 Questions First.

Web developers often say things that non-developers don’t quite understand. Bridge the divide and the language barrier with these questions that will get you both on the same page.

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user experience

User Experience Website Checklist and ‘Nevermind’

We believe it’s important not to give your audience a reason to say “oh, nevermind” when they are searching for something on your website. Visit your site and navigate it from their point of view.

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Google My Business Listing

Google My Business Listing – Who Owns It & Are You Using It?

A Google My Business listing is one of the most underutilized yet most powerful free tool you can leverage for your business.

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duplicate and copied content

Duplicate and Copied Content

The rules for using copied or duplicate content. Understanding the difference between the two is the first step. Bet you didn’t know that 25%-35% of all internet content is ‘duplicate’. Learn how that holds water.

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broken links on your website

Broken Links on Your Website

Broken links on a website lead to a poor user experience for your website visitors and also for search engine optimization. Google doesn’t want to serve its customers with ‘bad’ information.

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importance of alt tags

Importance of ALT Tags for Images on Your Website

ALT Tags are a simple yet impactful way to boost a website’s search engine optimization. However, they have to be strategically written if they are to help your site rank better in SERPs (search engine results pages).

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Google's SSL certificate requirement

Google’s SSL Certificate Requirement

Effective 2017, Google started enforcing that all websites needed an SSL certificate. Fast forward 2022, and many websites still aren’t securing their sites properly and possibly losing customers.

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egister my business on Google

How to Register My Business on Google

If your business doesn’t have a Google My Business listing, it is missing out. Whether you are a brick and mortar or a service business, you need this free listing.

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What to write about on your blog

What to Write About On Your Blog

Consistently adding new quality content to your website is helpful to your visitors and to Google search engines. Writing blog articles is one of the most efficient ways to continuously add fresh content.

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improve your rank on Google

Improve Your Ranking on Google in 5 Easy Steps

If you have access to the backend of your WordPress site, making these 5 updates to improve search engine ranking are easy to implement.

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