Social Media Has Me Thinking About Divorce
Social media has the power to influence purchases, perception, and feelings. Before we knew it, we were thinking about topics we wouldn't normally had it not been for what we saw on social media.

from the desk of Kari – Founder/Creative Director at Studio Barn Creative
Yes, social media has me thinking about divorce, often. It also has me thinking about hardscoop ice cream.
Let me clarify. I am happily married and imbibe only on occasion.
However, because there are some great folks out there who are using their social media presence for good, I am subconsciously digesting their messages.
Why Social Media Has Me Thinking About Divorce
And Hardscoop Ice Cream
There is a divorce lawyer here in Summerville who is doing a great job of getting her message out there. And, you’d think that divorce could be a tricky subject to bring up in a social setting. But she’s nailing it! I realize that I’ve been thinking that if I get the opportunity to recommend her to someone (although, of course, I hope I don’t), I will. We’ve never met. She has no idea who I am. And yet, I feel some sort of allegiance to her. Odd, right? No, just the magical properties of a great social media presence.
Also, I’m lactose intolerant (try imagining the little girl in the Santa Clause movie saying that) and can’t stop thinking about Hardscoop Ice Cream. I know that it won’t agree with me, but I want it. Their Instagram feed is almost like a scratch and sniff book from when you were a kid. The images jump off the screen and tell a story that leaves me wanting that experience. When I saw one of their cold-cases in the World Market the other day, it felt like I ran into an old friend.
Just Imagine What Your Small Business Can Do
Just imagine, if social media has me thinking about divorce, how your small business could be using social media platforms to affect others.
We read an article yesterday morning during our first cup of coffee. It is on the site and is speaking to Small Business owners. In it, among several of the major on-point statements, the author notes that ‘if all you do is not quit social media, you’ll do really well.‘ And I said an audible ‘amen‘, and looked around as if I was going to be able to share this moment with someone.

It’s Never Too Late or Too Early to Have a Plan
It is never too late to get your social media accounts, and online presence, in order. I am a big fan of Mark Twain’s mantra – ‘Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection.’
Likewise, it is never too early to start thinking about your online social presence. Here’s what I mean. I recommend to clients to have a solid- yet flexible -plan (kinda’ like Tyvek) as they start sharing their message with the world. Even with continuous improvement, it is a little easier to lead with the proper foot, than having to go back and fix the narrative.
For instance:
- Know your target audience
- Understand what resonates with them
- Research where your website visitors are coming from
- If you don’t have a website, know if your social accounts are getting the most attention from Home, Hashtags or Profile visits
- Choose a style and a tone of voice
- Be present. Every. Single. Day.
If you’d like to learn a little more about Social Media Management you can read more on our website here.